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The following news articles mention FAU or CES staff and faculty:

05/17/2024Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill that deletes climate change from state law
Amy Green, the Florida correspondent for Inside Climate News mentioned FAU's new survey results in an interview with NPR Host, Steve Inskeep, "A new survey out this week from Florida Atlantic University shows that 90% of Floridians think that climate change is happening, and that's compared with 72% of all Americans who believe the same."
05/16/2024FAU survey finds political, generational differences on human impact of climate change
Colin Polsky, founding director of FAU's School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS), said in a prepared statement after the survey's release on Tuesday, May 14, "The urgency to act means debate over causes is largely irrelevant."
05/15/2024DeSantis signs bill scrubbing 'climate change' from Florida law
The latest survey by Florida Atlantic University found that 90 percent of Floridians accept that climate change is happening and 69 percent support state action to address it.
05/14/2024New survey shows 68% of Floridians want state to do more on climate change
FAU poll reveals that the percent of GOP voters who believe climate change is caused by human activity has dropped to 40%
05/14/202490% of Floridians think climate change is real, much higher than across the U.S.
"Floridians support strengthening our resilience to the effects of climate change because they are experiencing it. The urgency to act means debate over causes is largely irrelevant," said Colin Polsky, director of the FAU Center for Environmental Studies.
05/01/2024Wildlife corridor protects more than just animals; it protects people from climate change
The new report, "The Florida Wildlife Corridor and Climate Change: Managing Florida's Natural and Human Landscapes for Prosperity and Resilience," is a joint project by Florida Atlantic University, Archbold Biological Station, Live Wildly Foundation and brings together scientists, researchers, biologists, and climate experts from across the state.
04/30/2024Florida in 50 years: Study says land conservation can buffer destructive force of climate change
The population has increased 26% in just 25 years. "That is not a small rate," Polsky said. "It's exponential. The effects of this set of changes is going to be present probably before we're ready for it. The effort here is to try to get ready for it," Polsky said. In other words, how does Florida absorb all these people and remain climate resilient?
11/13/2023'Identify, understand and rectify our environmental challenges': New FAU school focusing on environmental sustainability
Dr. Polsky, the school's founding director, says the early momentum comes from the widespread desire to preserve the marine ecosystems throughout the state.
10/28/2023FAU Survey Finds More Floridians Believe Climate Change is Real than Americans on the Whole and Want Government Action
KCBS's Liz Saint John interviews Colin Polsky about the results from FAU's most recent Florida Climate Resilience Survey
10/25/2023Here's why Floridians, more than other Americans, believe climate change is real
"Floridians might be more likely to believe climate change is happening due to their experiences with hurricanes and other extreme weather," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., the founding director of FAU's School of Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sustainability.

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 Last Modified 4/3/23